Commercial Recycling

In our local communities, recycling is embedded into every aspect of our lives from our own households and neighborhoods to schools, banks, restaurants, theaters, airports, and every industry in between. Recycling starts here but it continues because of you.

What is AB 341?

AB 341 is California’s mandatory recycling law.

In 2012, California implemented AB 341, a mandatory commercial recycling program for all businesses that generate four cubic yards or more of commercial solid waste per week. A business is also considered to be any multifamily unit dwelling that consists of five units or more.

Our local cities are populated by as many businesses as it is by multifamily dwellings. SoCal Waste, individual businesses, and residents of multifamily dwellings play a key role in helping to shape the future of our cities for the next generation. As a subscriber to SoCal Waste’s recycling program you will help curb the amount of recyclable waste entering our landfills and lowering your trash bill at the same time. Our recycling coordinators proudly promote recycling by educating businesses, employees and residents on the benefits of waste reduction and the need to remain in compliance with AB 341.

Where Your Trash Goes?

According to The United States Environmental Protection Agency, 66% of the materials we dispose of every day could be recycled. Today, with our landfills rapidly reaching capacity, recycling has become the optimum way to reduce the amount of waste dumped into landfills. SoCal Waste has developed a long-term relationship for the transfer and diversion of commercial, multi-family, and residential waste with the Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD). The LACSD operates the Puente Hills MRF (PHMRF), a state-of-the-art Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station capable of receiving and processing up to 4,400 tons per day of municipal solid waste. SoCal Waste utilizes the MRF to transfer and process discrete portions of waste streams in order to enhance diversion.